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To: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Subject: Re: LW 4.0 Distributors
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Date: Wed, 26 Jul 95 22:53:36 PDT
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>On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Scot Perry wrote:
>> Can anybody provide some distributors that Lightwave is available through,
>> who has the best price and availability?
>> success of Lightwave on the PC.
>Actually, that argument read as more for add-ons than the merits of the
>Amiga. Oh well.
>As for new Amigas, a new version of the Amiga 4000T will be available in
<Some NEW verbiage deleted>
>The Draco also puts out true colour 24bit.
>Other Amiga clones (ie. laptops) are being worked on now.
>> As for Newteks policy I believe their intent is to discourage mail order so
>> Administrative Items To : owner-lightwave@webcom.com
>* Vance Schowalter >>Image Master<< *
Hmmmm, I'm noticing a disturbing tendancy lately on the list of NOT
editing replies down to the gist.
Please, folks, edit quoted material to increase bandwidth.